In response to all the sexual violence against women

I am a woman and go through this at least 3-4 times a week. I cannot be alone in a room with a man before I have to deal with some kind of inappropriate sexual behavior. It seems normal. When I dress hot and sexy, I'm usually in trouble. When I dress reserved; I have no problem. We humans, may have evolved physically, but we haven't been able to shake off our biological animal instincts yet. We still as hunter/gatherers whether, we accept the fact or not. Women still gather; this is why we're avid shoppers and collectors of things like shoes, perfumes, jeweler etc.. and fair better in a supermarket than men. Men are hunters, this is why they play sports, go fishing, and enjoy video games that mimic these natural instincts. We have created this mess for ourselves and then we throw our hands up in the air and say "How did we get to this point as a society? Well I'll tell you. We women expect to live as we did during the stone-age, when we wore absolutely nothing and roamed the land free. But, this was also the time when casual sex imitated rape more closely. A time when men just bashed women to have sex with them;mating with numerous female partners. However, we are demanding for the man's brain to evolve 3 million years into the future, when his primal instincts have successfully been weaned off. . If this is what the world is going for. It ain't going to happen. Yes, some; perhaps a handful of men, can control it. However, the majority (Yes, I say majority because that's how many men fail to keep their hands to themselves when I walk in to a room, even though I am by no means; hot), will eventually make me feel like some object for their sexual perversion. What I am about to say might piss of the feminist and I couldn't care less. However, it is the scantily dressed women that push these primal males over the edge. These animistic urges are watered and soared by the sight of bare boobs and butts which, triggers and entices these men who trouble knowing what is in fact accepted by today's society and what is not. Fact is: If I were to withdraw money from a bank; let's say a $1000, walking out with it in, a clear plastic bag and I was robbed, could I say " I wasn't asking to be robbed?" The answer is. NO! Yes I wasn't in anyway holding a board calling for criminals. However, there are people out there, who will do it regardless. If I want to keep my money safe, it is up to me to keep it out of sight of a criminal delinquent. I will take precautions to avoid triggering somebody's desperate need/want for that money. Understand that there is no one way for a brain to function. It's biological matter molded by each person's environment and genetic make up. One man's brain may tell him, "That lady is rich" while another " Oooh. I wish I had that money" and another " I'm taking that money for myself". In an ideal world; yes, nobody will rob, rape, or kill. But this is not the ideal world, so I do what I do to keep me and my belongings safe. I will not put my safety in the hands of strangers. I will not expect these idiots to know what's socially acceptable in modern time. I'm not saying cover up and wear a cloak, but we do need to keep our trigger points out of view of men we don't want to have anything to do sexually. I hate people like Beyonce who use their body's to entice somebody on TV to sell their music, that viewer watching gets a hard on and if his brain isn't as developed as your average person, he's going to go out and rape the first woman he sees, whilst the others masturbate and some others will have sex with someone.

Beyonce will travel around with her bodyguards and secret service retirees; protected from all and any form of sexual violence, whilst her skany videos will trigger the animalistic instincts in man who watches it, moving on to raping his 13 year-old teenage neighbor when her mother is not home. Well Done!
